ADULT PROGRAMSThe WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) Adult Program is available to help unemployed or underemployed individuals find meaningful, family-sustaining work.
The adult program includes a priority of service for public assistance recipients and other low-income individuals, as well as individuals who are basic skills deficient. Programs are funded via the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) so there is no cost to you. |
Training services
WorkSource Northwest Georgia offers a variety of training services, including Occupational Skills training and On-the-Job training.
Our training services are designed to help job seekers who live or have been laid-off in our 15 county region access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market.
To apply please visit the WIOA Applicant Portal.
dislocated worker services
Our Dislocated Worker services help unemployed individuals with professional career guidance, training assistance, and job placement.
Let us help you get back to work in a job that is right for you! Ready to apply? Please visit the WIOA Applicant Portal.
Still have questions? Click below to contact us.
Let us help you get back to work in a job that is right for you! Ready to apply? Please visit the WIOA Applicant Portal.
Still have questions? Click below to contact us.
veteran services
Our staff can assist veterans with finding work, transitioning into the workforce, building career skills, credentialing military experience and training, and accessing state and federal veterans’ services.