Regularly Scheduled Meetings
- Council of Chief Elected Officials of Northwest Georgia – Regularly meets at 10:00 a.m. on the third Thursday of every other month*
- Workforce Development Board of Northwest Georgia – Regularly meets at Noon on the third Wednesday of every other month*
- Adult & Dislocated Worker/One-Stop Committee – Meets as needed*
- Executive Committee – Meets as needed*
- Nominating Committee – Meets as needed*
- Promoting Access for Individuals with Disabilities (PAID) – Regularly meets at Noon on the second Thursday of every other month*
- Proposal Review Committee – Meets as needed
- Youth Committee – Regularly meets the second Wednesday of every other month*
*Especially during COVID-19, PLEASE always check the "Meetings and Events" section of the website for up-to-date meeting dates, times, and locations